June the 2nd, 2020
The Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui UMC is participating in the national effort to fight the coronavirus disease by offering free screening tests in the Lebanese regions outside Beirut.
A mobile team of the hospital composed of Dr. Fady Hobeiche chief of Laboratory, Dr. Joe Kfoury, ER doctor, nurses and technicians went to Falougha in the Metn region to carry out the screening tests for the inhabitants.
A mobile team of the hospital composed of Dr. Fady Hobeiche chief of Laboratory, Dr. Joe Kfoury, ER doctor, nurses and technicians went to Falougha in the Metn region to carry out the screening tests for the inhabitants.
L’Hôpital Libanais Geitawi-CHU participe à l’effort national de lutte contre le coronavirus en prenant l’initiative d’offrir des tests de dépistage du Covid-19 dans les régions libanaises en dehors de Beyrouth.
Une équipe mobile de l’HLG-CHU formée du Dr. Fadi Hobeiche chef du Laboratoire, Dr. Joe Kfoury médecin Urgentiste avec un personnel infirmier et technique se sont rendus à Falougha au Metn pour effectuer des tests aux habitants de la région.

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