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HOME / Hospitalization / Your Admission
Your Admission

The admission to the hospital is an important step of your stay. Respecting the admission procedure will facilitate your administrative tasks and minimize any later concerns of that type during your hospitalization.  .

The Admissions Office is open 24/24.

In the case of urgent hospitalization, the Emergency Admissions Office is responsible for managing the admission formalities and will guide you through the procedure..

For all elective hospitalizations, the following table summarizes the steps of the admission process.



Medical consultation

Following the admission decision, your doctor will hand you the “Patient Admission Form”.

Getting the third party payer / insurance approval

Present yourself as soon as possible at the admissions office to file the application (preferably between 9 AM and 3 PM).
Do not forget to bring your official ID and your Hospital ID Card.

The admissions agent will guide you and give you any necessary documents to be filled.

The third-party payer financial approval must be ready prior to the admission.


(For surgical patients)

Present yourself to the admissions office at least 3 days before the surgery date (preferably between 9 AM and 3 PM).

Your administrative information will be filed, and you will perform the preoperative examinations and consultations.


On your admission date : please show up at the hospital at the scheduled time that would have been communicated to you beforehand by the admissions office.