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Intensive Care Unit

The ICU department contains 8 beds.

It has the newest technologies for an excellent quality of care.

It includes the Code Blue team and also the Inhalation team.

Inhalation Therapy team:

The Inhalation Therapy Team deals with issues of ventilation, oxygenation, breathing and circulation. They have excellent knowledge in securing airways, intubation, mechanical ventilation, invasive and non-invasive, good handling of ventilators and noninvasive pressure support machines.

The team is composed of 6 well trained and highly qualified respiratory therapists.


Code Blue Team:

The Code Blue is an emergency code that is generally used to indicate a patient requiring resuscitation or in need of an immediate medical attention most often as a result of a respiratory or cardiac arrest.

The team is comprised of 5 members who directly respond upon receiving the code blue paging:

  • The Internal Medicine Resident: leader of the code blue team.
  • The Anesthesia Resident:  for difficult intubations or neonatal or pediatric age group intubations.
  • The Surgery Resident: for any possible lifesaving surgical intervention to be performed during resuscitation.
  • The Respiratory Therapist secures airway and efficient ventilation and accompanies the patient till successfully connected to the ventilator in a synchronized breathing pattern.
  • The Registered Nurse in charge is directly responsible of bringing the emergency kit and giving medications as directed by the team leader.
  • The Nurse Supervisor assists as necessary and ensures the correct recording of the event on the emergency response sheet.